Software Distribution

ArcGIS Online information

Several Esri products can be used with ArcGIS online or require an ArcGIS online account to install or access them. An ArcGIS online account is automattically created the first time you login to ArcGIS online.

The following (web) applications can be accessed with an ArcGIS online account:
- ArcGIS online
- Geoplanner
- Insights
- Story Maps
- Survey123
- Workforce
- Business Analyst
- Community Analyst
- Esri Training
- Collector for Arcgis

You need to use your UT email ( or to login to ArcGIS online and publish data from ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) or ArcGIS Pro which can then be used with Collector or Earth.
More information about Arcgis Online can be found here.

IMPORTANT NOTE, your data will be deleted from ArcGIS online or associated web applications when your account at the UT expires. You should always keep a copy of your own data on your local system. The usage of ArcGIS online is only for educational or research purposes and may not be used for any commercial activity.

Login to Arcgis online:

  1. goto and select sign in
  2. select the 'Sign in with enterprise account'
  3. enter utwente in the subdomain box and select continue
  4. select Sign in to University of Twente using your university of  twente account
  5. you will then be redirected to the University of Twente single sign on site
  6. now enter your email address
  7. your account is created and you are logged in to Arcgis online
Steps 1,2 and 3 can be skipped by using the direct url , the same login procedure can be used when you want to login from Arcgis Desktop, Arcgis Pro, Earth or Collector.
Insights for ArcGIS online is available here.

ArcGIS Online licensing:
Some applications require addtional licensing to your account. This may take a few minutes to activate AFTER you have logged in to ArcGIS online for the first time. If your license is not enabled within an hour than please contact the helpdesk.
By default ArcGIS Pro is installed with a network license server configuration. However you can also license ArcGIS Pro by logging into ArcGIS online, with an ArcGIS online license you will not need a connection to the UT network but only internet access. Both license option give the same functionality.
When starting ArcGIS Pro you will need to enter your UT username, use the same login procedure as given above starting from step 2.

Changing your license from concurrent user to named user:
  1. Start ArcGIS Pro
  2. Select About
  3. Select Licensing
  4. Click the 'Configure your licensing options' button on the bottum of the window
  5. Change the license type to 'Named user license' and click OK
  6. ArcGIS Pro will need to restart, after the restart you should login with your ArcGIS online enterprise account

Esri training
You can access the Esri training site with the above created account. Note that it will take a few minutes after your account has been created before you can login to the Esri training site. Goto and login as shown above starting with step 2.

Please contact the ITC helpdesk if you need more information.